Cruising enables a person to escape from it’s daily grind but it must be admitted that staying connected can be challenging. Internet packages are often offered by the cruise lines but these packages can cost a lot of money. Using internet on cruise lines once became impossible without paying some costs but knowing some tricks along with a bit effort can enable one to use internet free while being on a cruise line . The article consists of stuff presenting the readers with guidelines on how to get internet on a cruise ship for free.
Leverage Loyalty Programs
The programs usually come with some good returns for the loyal users including free internet accessibility. Henceforth, if one uses the same cruise line frequently it would be best for the person to join the Cruise Line’s Loyalty program within which the higher tier customers enjoy free internet packages along with other advantages.
Utilizing the on board promotions
Cruise lines often present some sale packages while booking or after you get on island. Free Wi-Fi packages are the highlighted features of these sales and promotions. Make Sure to monitor all the promotions and make the use of them.
Connect During Port Stop
While the ship is docked one can find free Wi-Fi at cafes or public places. Therefore, When on a cruise trip try to save one in a tourist attractive area that has free internet connection in order to check your messages and mails and being avoided to be charged.
Taking Advantage Of WI-FI Hotspots
Some areas on Cruise lines such as lounges, Café, or a library have internet access with more stronger signals with free access hence try to spend more time in such areas so that you are connected to your love ones for maximum time.
Using A Wi-Fi Extender
Using a Wi-Fi extender on board can aid you fetch weaker signals with mor strength from relevant sources. This method is not assured but at times it can offer you a better connection than purchasing a package.
Participating In Online Contests
Before your cruise takes place seek for the contests offered by the cruise lines or any of the travel bloggers which frequently include free internet packages as gifts. Once you have participated the contest you are more likely to get the free internet packages.
Bundle Your Services
If you are purchasing a premium package or a suite, don’t forget to ask that if and how can you get internet access to your room. Henceforth, it must be valuable to improve your reservation level to get this advantage.
Asking For A Free Trial
After getting on the ship ensure to ask the service provider of internet about the free trials of internet. Most of the times, the travelers are allowed to get a free limited usage trial of internet. It can be useful for checking for any important updates.
Negotiate With The Provider
Don’t hesitate to ask for a better package and some additional perks. Cruise lines mostly have some flexibility especially when you are polite and kind in nature. You might be able to bump up the packages by few additional hours of free internet access and usage.
Split the Transport Cost
If you are travelling in a group such as relatives, friends or fellow travelers you can split the internet cost among all. Some of them even extend the internet for multiple gadgets. Hence, Sharing the internet can also reduce the bill.
As pointed earlier in the article that these guidelines always not make it possible to make internet connections for free but these can aid you for reducing the package costs or adding up additional free hours to your package or boosting up your signal strength while having a connection. And must look for promotions or contests for having a cruise journey without missing the internet connection.